Hi! I’m Christine.
I’m here to help you get your financial life together!
Once upon a time, my mom was the one who first introduced me to saving and investing and gave me a copy of 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich by Bo Sanchez in 2007. I owe so much to her—including being financially-savvy.
From her, I have learned to be frugal about things that don’t matter to me- like designer clothes, shoes and latest gadgets, and so I can afford the things and experience I treasure…namely a new purse once in awhile and a plane ticket to somewhere fun. I’ve also learned that saving money won’t get you financially free, you have to be smart in your savings and strategic in your earnings.
Over the years, I constantly find myself reading about managing money, saving and investing. Although there are handful of financial blogs here in the Philippines, the sad truth is that there are still a lot of Filipinos who are still financially illiterate. Well, personal finance and money isn’t exactly taught at school.
Money Girl PH is a personal finance and lifestyle blog focused on helping Filipinos to make more, save more, and live better. Through the blog, I hope to share with you my experiences and on how I handled my money through the years and how I’m still handling it today. I’m hoping to share my insights on topics as diverse as money management (budgets and such), debt (credit cards, mortgage, etc), building wealth (investment for beginners), real estate, making more money, cutting expenses, travel, living, self-improvement and more.
Also – don’t let the name of the blog scare you off. If you’re not a girl or a lady, that’s OK. Learning and sharing knowledge of personal finance has NO gender and age restrictions.
Feel free to contact me via moneygirlph@gmail.com with any feedback, suggestions, or complaints. After all, if you aren’t finding value in this site it means I’m not doing my job!
I wish you all the best on your journey toward financial freedom and happiness!
Stay awesome!
Money Girl PH
PS. Currently based in the City of Love (Iloilo City), I’m also passionate about blogging and travelling.